Dear ARNOVA colleagues, I know that many are discussing the uncomfortable reality that our conference this year is in Florida, and it seems that on a daily basis, the leadership there continues to take legislative actions and more that many of us disagree with and more. I also recognize that ARNOVAns may be all…
Read MoreDear ARNOVA Community, I want to let you know that we’re hearing member concerns about our conference in Orlando this year, given the troubling legislative news coming from Florida. There are no easy answers to resolve this tension; either going virtual or moving to a new location would entail cancelling our contract (which was…
Read More2022 Membership Meeting Transcript View Meeting slides 7:30 a.m Pier Rogers: “Good morning. I’d like to call our annual membership meeting to order, and welcome all of you to this very early meeting in beautiful Raleigh, NC. I’ll also take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of continuing to use your face masks…
Read More2022 Conference Recap 51st ANNUAL ARNOVA CONFERENCE Nov 17-19 | Raleigh Convention Center – Raleigh, NC Imagining ARNOVA’s Next 50 Years: Scholarship, Practice, Community The 51st Annual ARNOVA Conference in Raleigh, NC saw attendees from all over the world and was the first ARNOVA conference for 181 of our 598 attendees! The conference covered a…
Read MoreAcceptance Comments: Alan Abramson, November 17, 2022 Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action 51st Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC Thanks so much, Pier, and the other members of the award committee – Roseanne Mirabella, Monika Hudson, and Heather MacIndoe – for selecting me for this wonderful award. I am truly humbled to…
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