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Member Benefits

Our Membership:

ARNOVA is the association linking persons conducting research on and teaching about philanthropy, nonprofits, voluntary action and civil society. We participate in supporting this work alongside scholars, teachers and practice leaders globally. For the past four decades, ARNOVA has contributed to enriching the understanding of the significance and impact these sectors have on building healthier societies around the world. Our aspirations are to spread increased knowledge and to develop a new cohort of researchers, teachers and practice leaders to move this vital work forward!


Standard Member Benefits Include:

  • An online subscription to Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, ARNOVA's field-leading journal.
  • NEW - Free section membership with all new memberships and renewals starting Feb 1, 2024. Learn more.
  • Access to and opportunities to participate in ARNOVA's exclusive Annual Conference.
  • Early notice of the "Call for Participation" in the Conference, with information about the theme and how to submit proposals for presentations
  • Extended professional contacts with scholars and practitioners from many different fields and from more than 35 countries
  • Opportunity to participate in any or all of the ARNOVA Sections and Common Interest Groups.
  • Platform to share and receive news about individual and institutional members; section updates; and organizational news through quarterly e-newsletter, ARNOVANews.
Individual and Student Membership

Membership fees range from $60 to $677 based on household income. See member levels for rate information.

  • NEW - Your ARNOVA membership now includes a FREE annual affiliation* with one of our incredible 11 section.  *For renewals on or after February 1st, 2024 only
  • Online subscription to Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly [NVSQ], the Association's field-leading journal containing the latest theoretical and empirical work by scholars in the field, up-to-date book reviews and commentary.
  • Access to register for Annual Conferences.
  • Advance notice of Calls for Papers for ARNOVA Conferences.
  • ARNOVA News, the newsletter which provides a channel of communication between research and action, including announcements, book reviews, trends and developments.
  • Access to ARNOVA's online membership directory and members-only section of ARNOVA website.
    Information about related conferences and events, current position openings in the field
  • Opportunity to participate in any or all of the ARNOVA Sections and Common Interest Groups.
Institution Membership

Membership fees range from $725 to $1,602.

  • NEW - A FREE section membership* will be given to up to three individuals* in the organization.

*For renewals on or after February 1st, 2024 only

  • One individual will receive all ARNOVA mailings.
  • Up to three individuals* from the organization will also be added as individual members.
  • Up to three individuals* may register for the annual ARNOVA Conference (Conference Fee is separate).
  • Up to three individuals* within the organization will be listed individually in the online ARNOVA Membership Directory and the institution will be listed in the institutional directory.
  • A 10% discount on exhibiting at the ARNOVA Conference.
  • SUPPORTING LEVEL-ONLY: The discount on advertising and exhibiting is 20% rather than 10%.
  • SUPPORTING LEVEL-ONLY: A listing in all of ARNOVA's publications and on ARNOVA's website as a supporter of research in the field

*Additional members can be added to the institutional account for an extra cost. $115 per extra member. 

Already a member? Renew your membership here!
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