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ARNOVA currently has two primary publications. The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, the official journal of ARNOVA, is the leading scholarly journal in the field of nonprofit, philanthropic and civil society studies. It is now published six times a year. ARNOVA News, our email newsletter, is published three times a year for members. It contains not only news of the Association and its members, but also articles about members' research, and essays on issues in the field.

In addition, ARNOVA has published five volumes in its Occasional Paper Series. Most recently this series involved two reports from special Symposia ARNOVA created that focused on the state of research about Public Policy towards Nonprofits. These include: Public Policy for Nonprofits: A Report (March 2011), and Finances of Nonprofits & Public Policy (November 2011). The Symposia and these reports examined the state of research about these topics, exploring what we know, don't know, and need to know to help make better public policy to support a healthy nonprofit sector. Each report offers a suggested agenda for research that could improve our knowledge about the most urgent issues.

Earlier volumes were edited collections. One previous volume, issued in a 2nd Edition in 2009, was Emerging Areas of Volunteering. This includes articles on episodic volunteering, virtual volunteering, cross-national volunteering, and employee volunteer programs. This volume also revisits two longstanding forms of volunteer involvement — volunteering to government and volunteering to nonprofit organization boards of directors — to propose theoretical or empirical advances in how we address these topics. This report is still available and is often used in college level courses on Volunteering and Volunteer Management.

Another report in this series was Research on Social Entrepreneurship: Understanding and Contributing to an Emerging Field (2006). This shed light on promising approaches to researching social entrepreneurship, from both academics and practitioners, and covered a range of topics. The volume offered recommendations for several promising areas of social entrepreneurship research, including new legal forms for hybrid organizations, capitalization of enterprise activity, the state of education for the next generation of social entrepreneurs, and international comparisons of social enterprise models.

Philanthropy in Communities of Color — the first volume published in the Occasional Paper Series — focused on giving and volunteering traditions in communities of color. ARNOVA is currently exploring new publication projects that would allow it to bring both new and significant but out of print material in our field to researchers and the public.

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