Posts Tagged ‘Recap’
2023 Conference Recap
2023 Conference Recap 52nd ANNUAL ARNOVA CONFERENCE Nov 16-18, 2023 | Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista – Orlando, FL Advancing the Public Good in an Era of Disinformation, Mistrust, and Democratic Backsliding The 52nd Annual ARNOVA Conference in Orlando, FL saw attendees from 27 countries and was the first ARNOVA conference for 237 of our…
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2022 Conference Recap 51st ANNUAL ARNOVA CONFERENCE Nov 17-19 | Raleigh Convention Center – Raleigh, NC Imagining ARNOVA’s Next 50 Years: Scholarship, Practice, Community The 51st Annual ARNOVA Conference in Raleigh, NC saw attendees from all over the world and was the first ARNOVA conference for 181 of our 598 attendees! The conference covered a…
Read More2021 Conference Recap
A CELEBRATION OF ARNOVA’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY: Reflections on Where We Are and How Far We Have Come! This year we held our first ever hybrid conference to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of ARNOVA. The in-person component took place in Atlanta, Georgia with 437 attendees and we connected with 250 virtual attendees from all over the world…
Read More2020 ARNOVA Conference Recap
The 49th Annual ARNOVA Conference was convened virtually for the first time given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the continued physical distancing orders and travel restrictions. Thought we love to see all ARNOVANs’ faces in person every year, we were delighted to connect with the 719 registrants from all over the world thought our conference platform. We also were happy to…
Read More2018 ARNOVA Conference Recap
From Relief to Resilience: How Philanthropy, Nonprofits and Volunteers Bridge the Gap between Crisis and Sustainability The 47th Annual ARNOVA Conference in Austin, Texas saw attendees from all over the world and was the first ARNOVA conference for 220 of our 870 attendees! The conference covered a wide scope of topics within philanthropy, through over…
Read More2019 ARNOVA Conference Recap
Nonprofits and Philanthropy in a Polarized World: Speaking Truth to Power and Using Power to Speak Truth The 48th Annual ARNOVA Conference in San Diego, California saw attendees from all over the world and was the first ARNOVA conference for 300 of our 851 attendees! The conference covered a wide scope of topics within philanthropy,…
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