Nov 17-19 | Raleigh Convention Center - Raleigh, NC
Imagining ARNOVA's Next 50 Years: Scholarship, Practice, Community
The 51st Annual ARNOVA Conference in Raleigh, NC saw attendees from all over the world and was the first ARNOVA conference for 181 of our 598 attendees! The conference covered a wide scope of topics within philanthropy, through 74 paper sessions, 10 Professional Development Workshops, 31 poster presentations, 19 panels, 3 lightening research roundtables, and 20 colloquia.
The multifaceted and interdisciplinary nature of philanthropy, nonprofit, and the voluntary sector was illustrated in the high-quality research presented through all our sessions. However, at the heart of this year’s conference was its theme, Imagining ARNOVA's Next 50 Years: Scholarship, Practice, Community, which allowed us to consider where we want to be in the next 50 years - as a sector of practitioners, as a field of study, as educators preparing the next generation of leaders. Where are we heading and how far do we want to go? Some of these ideas were explored more deeply in our Opening Plenary, “Nonprofit Journalism, Democracy, and the Future of our Field”, where our panelists reflected on a range of issues related to the evolving, yet critical role of nonprofit journalism for our sector.

This event was followed by our Opening Luncheon, where we awarded the 2022 Distinguished Achievement and Leadership in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research Award to Alan Abramson (read his remarks here).

We also reflected on ARNOVA’s 50 year journey through an interactive exhibit, featuring a brief excerpt from “A History of ARNOVA at 50” by Brenda Bushouse, Greg Witkowski, and Alan Abramson.
Following a day and a half of stimulating presentations and panels, attendees gathered for the 2022 Annual Awards Luncheon to recognize the accomplishments of the brilliant scholars and practitioners that we call our colleagues and friends.
At the ARNOVA Awards Luncheon, we also honored our retiring board members, Khaldoun AbouAssi, René Bekkers, Brenda Bushouse and Lindsey McDougle, for their service, and gave a warm thank you to Pier Rogers, now Past President, as Emily Barman officially begins her term as Board President.

This luncheon, as well as the many receptions and sessions throughout the conference, were made possible by a number of generous sponsors, listed below.
Conference Sponsors
*Listed alphabetically
- Andrew Young School of Policy Studies - Georgia State University
- Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College
- Axelson Center for Nonprofit Management at North Park University
- Candid
- Case Western Reserve University - Graduate Programs in Nonprofit Management and Social Work
- Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society – Sanford School of Public Policy – Duke University
- Center for the Study of Philanthropy and Voluntarism – Sanford School of Public Policy – Duke University
- Center for Nonprofits & Philanthropy, Department of Public Service & Administration, Bush School of Government & Public Service, Texas A&M University
- Evans School of Public Policy & Governance University of Washington
- Fidelity Charitable Trustees' Initiative
- Gerald G. Fox MPA Program at University of North Carolina Charlotte
- Graham-Pelton
- Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs - University of Minnesota
- Indiana University Lilly School of Philanthropy
- John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University
- Loyola University Chicago
- S. Nonprofit Management Program at Columbia University
- Murphy's Naturals
- Nonprofit Leadership Program at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice
- North Carolina State University
- Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University
- Public Administration & International Affairs Department in the Maxwell School at Syracuse University
- Religion & Society Program – Aspen Institute
- Schar School of Policy & Government – George Mason University
- School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) - Rutgers University
- Sol Price School of Public Policy
- Trachtenberg School - George Washington University
- University of Nebraska at Omaha School of Public Administration
- University of North Carolina Wilmington
- UNC School of Government Chapel Hill
- UNC Greensboro MPA
- University of Oregon, School of Planning, Public Policy, and Management
- Wiley
If you attended the conference and want to share your thoughts, please remember to complete the conference evaluation before the end of the year!
Follow the #ARNOVA22 hashtag on Twitter to see what attendees had to say and learn more about this year's conference - and be sure to follow us on Facebook to see more photos. We hope to see you next year for one of our upcoming conferences!