
The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Independent Sector, and Nonprofit Policy Forum invite proposals for the 12th Symposium on Public Policy for Nonprofits, which will focus on surfacing promising public policy recommendations to strengthen the nonprofit sector and philanthropy.
In order to enact public policies that support nonprofits, philanthropy, and the communities they serve, policymakers must first hear from nonprofit leaders and researchers about nonprofit and community needs and policies that will address these needs. One of the best opportunities to educate policymakers is during campaign season when candidates are out in communities, visiting nonprofits, talking to constituents, and receiving ideas from researchers. As the nation looks forward to the 2024 elections and beyond, what public policy recommendations related to nonprofits and philanthropy should be considered by policymakers and others who care about the important role these institutions play in our society? This year’s Nonprofit Public Policy Symposium will feature both researchers and practitioners presenting their research and experience-based policy ideas for discussion.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline - April 28th
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection - Early June
- Fulls Paper Due - August 18th
- 2023 Virtual Symposium - September 22nd
- Honoraria Payments - End October
- Revised Papers Due - February 1, 2024
Andrea Hill
Momentum Nonprofit Partners

Janet Lo
Shelby County Nonprofit Committee

Sherry Rout
Community Leader and Public Policy Consultant

"Case Study: Government and Nonprofit Sector Partnership Model: The Shelby County (TN) Nonprofit Committee"
Angela Eikenberry
University of Nebraska at Omaha

Nuri Heckler
University of Nebraska at Omaha

"Forever is a Long Time: Limiting Charitable Trust Perpetuity and Making Reparations"
Gretchen Vanderveer
Fair Chance and the Coalition for Nonprofit Equity

Michelle Jackson
Human Services Council of New York

"Nonprofit Power Building to Address Structural Inequities"
Wil Alston
Office of Nonprofit Engagement - City and County of Denver

Julia Mahoney
Office of Nonprofit Engagement - City and County of Denver

Ken Seeley
Office of Nonprofit Engagement - City and County of Denver

"A Commentary on Policy Development and Reform:
The City and County of Denver’s Investment in the Wellbeing of the Nonprofit Sector"
Tamara Keshecki
AINOK Consulting LLC / UMass Amherst School of Public Policy

Brenda Bushouse
University of Massachusetts

Eric Griffith
Duke University

"Pandemic relief for nonprofits? What the government needs to know for next time"
Tiana Marrese
University of Pennsylvania

"Nonprofit Wage Disparity and the Call for Accessible Childcare"
(3 hours) 1:00pm- 4:00pm E.S.T.
Welcome, Opening Remarks, Logistics - (1:00-1:15)
Strong Nonprofit Infrastructure - (1:15-2:35)
- “Nonprofit Wage Disparity & the Call for Accessible Childcare”
- Tiana Marress
- “Nonprofit Power Building to Address Structure Inequities”
- Gretchen Vanderveer and Michelle Jackson
- “Pandemic Relief for Nonprofits – What the Government Needs to Know for Next Time”
- Tamara Keshecki, Brenda Bushouse, Eric Griffith
Discussant – Ronda Jackson
Effective Partnerships - (2:35-3:55)
- “Case Study: Government & Nonprofit Sector Partnership Model: The Shelby County (TN) Nonprofit Committee”
- Andrea Hill, Natalie Jones, Sherry Rout and Janet Lo
- “Forever is a Long Time – Limiting Charitable trust Perpetuity & Making Reparations”
- Angela Eikenberry and Nuri Heckler
- “Critical Policy Analysis from the Denver Office of Nonprofit Engagement”
- Julia Mahoney, Will Alson, Ken Seeley
Discussant – Heather MacIndoe
Closing, Thank You, Survey- (3:55-4:00)
About our partners for this event:
For further information about the symposium, please contact Fatima Hussain at or Emily Rogers at